
We collaborate with you to achieve: creative, practical, and commercially viable solutions to your problems.  To learn more about the legal professionals that will be working alongside you, click on the attorney bios below:


  • Candie Y. Chang

    Candie Y. Chang

    Learn More

  • Robert Garrett

    Robert Garrett

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  • Ani <br />Grigoryan


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  • Brian W. Ludeke

    Brian W. Ludeke

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  • Scott B. Mahler

    Scott B. Mahler

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  • Jennifer R. Slater

    Jennifer R. Slater

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  • Ryan C.<br/> Squire

    Ryan C.

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  • Trang T.<br/> Tran

    Trang T.

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  • Stephen J. Tully

    Stephen J. Tully

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  • Christopher E. Williams

    Christopher E. Williams

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